EU Projects
PROGRESSUS team has extensive experience in the implementation of European projects (Erasmus+, Horizon, etc). Our services include project conceptualization, design and writing of proposal, applied research to project development, financial and administrative management and coordination of research consortia.
CEM for SMEs
The CEM for SMEs project aims to support the professional development of SMEs managers, contributing to the development of circular economy skills, through the development of the job profile of the circular economy manager (CiEM) and the creation of an innovative gamified curriculum and VET training course.
The LMI4Dis_Abled project will deliver concrete LMI material and tools, enhancing the competencies and capabilities of professionals involved in helping PWD for career planning, job rehabilitation and participation in VET opportunities, workplaces and communities.
VRGreen Adventure
VRGreen Adventure focuses on raising awareness towards climate change and the need for green lifestyles expecting to engage children in a sustainable way of living and increase their knowledge on green professions, and to assist teachers in their daily practice with new learning methods and new trends in the labour market.
INTELLEGIZE Artificial Intelligence and Gamification in Guidance for Vocational Training
The aim of the projec is to innovate guidance practices in VET system a with the development of an expert system (Web oriented Application) based on artificial intelligence and gamification scenarios, which support the practitioner in user’s profiling, gap analysis and definition of reskilling and upskilling paths.
WE_Real World Education to foster environmental awareness
The WE project aims at introducing the skills of Environmental Sustainable Development (ESD) in Adult Education.