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VRGreen Adventure

VRGreen Adventure will develop targeted interventions to promote pro-environmental behaviour in children, mainly based on experiential and hands-on learning, facilitated by new technologies. The aim is to support children to engage in pro– environmental behaviours and to achieve an environmentally friendly way of living, by establishing an enhanced degree of motivation, but also awareness of green professions, and to assist teachers in stimulating pro-environmental behavior to students.

The VRGreenAd project seeks to equip teachers, school staff with adequate competencies and tools to assist students towards raising pro-environmental bevahiours and getting awareness of green professions, through the development of:

a. motivational – raising awareness program on development of pro-environmental behaviour,

b. a serious game &

c. digital career guidance guide on green professions

Partners of the project:

DEP institute – Spain

Fundacio Privada GEM- Spain

Progressus R&C – Greece

Private School Themistoklis- Greece

S.C.P. Serv – Cyprus

Pascal Private English School – Cyprus

Uniao das Freguesias de Gondomar -Portugal